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Xandra and Kyle

Xandra and Kyle...

An intimate wedding in the Oxfordshire countryside with two of the sweetest humans you will ever meet.

Xandra and Kyle decided to wed on a humid summer weekday at the church where her grandfather used to be the parish priest. Many of these photographs were taken in front of the beautiful tree which features a plaque noting his time there. So special.

After their wedding ceremony they headed to The Lord Nelson pub opposite for a very laid back afternoon with 30 of their closest friends and family. The day was absolutely sublime, and it was a genuine pleasure to have been invited to share in it with them. They are such gracious people, and even insisted that I stayed for lunch before driving back home to Devon.

One of the highlights of the day for me was when a passer-by was walking her dog outside the church whilst we took portraits. 'Molly' the dog ran up to Xandra, genuinely avoiding her dress, and initiated a lot of affection. Just prior, in his speech, Kyle had mentioned Xandra's adoration of animals, her heart of gold and her sunny disposition, and I think the photo of her with Molly really captures that.

Xandra and Kyle, I have so much gratitude to you both for asking me to be just a small part of your day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

Xandra and Kyle